Sunday, December 29, 2019

Garage Sale Finds

I love going to garage sales and finding beautiful things, I especially like it when I get it so cheap. 
I was out early today, probably the last weekend for garage sales because its going to get colder, and wow, I found some really cool stuff.
I found this beautiful chandelier for only $5. I gave the chandelier to my mom to hang in her kitchen over her table and she loves it. You're not going to believe how much I paid for it... $5!!! 

This beautiful silver stag sculpture was only $2! I couldn't believe it, I grabbed it 
real quick and now it sits on one of my cabinets. I love it!

S E N D   M E   P H O T O S   O F   Y O U R   G R E A T    T H R I F T Y   F I N D S
Email me photos of your garage sale or thrift store finds and I will post it here on my blog.

H O M E   D E C O R A T I N G   C R A F T S  |  O R G A N I Z A T I O N A L   C R A F T S

Follow me on instagram @thriftyrevamps

Thanks so much!

Send me your craft requests!
Leave a comment on this post!


Wow, it's been awhile since I posted on this blog. I am finally starting my new thrifty craft home decor channel and I am excited. I have named my blog, YouTube channel and all my social media Thrifty Revamps. I love finding items at garage sales, thrift stores and even outside on the curb, there are a lot of items that still need to be transformed and cleaned and I will be sharing my projects here and on all my social media. Please subscribe and follow. Thank you.

My YouTube channel is not new, I am tranforming my GingerLola doll crafts and shows channel into
Thrifty Revamps. Most of my subscribers on this channel subscribed years ago when my
doll shows were popular. I still create doll crafts and shows on my new family friendly
channel Gingers Doll World.

Most of my subscribers are older now so I'm hoping you will enjoy my new content.
Please tell me what you think in the comment section. Because most of my subscribers know
me as Ginger, my real name is Reg, short for Regina, but you can always call me Ginger :)
For those who know me as Ginger, I am also calling the new channel Gingers Thrifty Revamps. 
I hope some of that made sense.